There is the camp on the hill that say “long content is better”. It’s never about length of copy, it’s always about whether you have communicated your offer to your audience effectively and answered their wants and needs. That’s all. If you can do that in one line then why write a saga about it?
There are some equally ridiculous theories about short copy and using embedded links within page content to get people to move through your website and be subjected to more short pages. People mistakenly assume that if I have to scroll down a page that it’s bad from a usability perspective. Let me ask those people, when was the last time you went to a website page you were really interested in and stopped reading because you had to use the scroll bar?
Read more about the Long Copy vs. Short Copy Debate in this interesting article by Steve Jackson, editor of Conversion Chronicles.
Actually I find a mix of long and short copy is quite natural as you seem to, too, so the "debate" is rather a straw dog, isn't it? Anyway, you don't comment on the utility of comments as a way of developing community and feedback, so I felt compelled to comment on that. :D
Also have you tried Blog Explosion to increase the traffic to your site?
Just a thought 'cuz traffic is something we could all use whether we have business ambitions like yourself or a hobby, a political axe to grind, or some other personal issues like ourselves. How ever you look at it and why ever you do it, do please have fun. ;)
I can see that you are putting a lots of efforts into your blog. Keep posting the good work.Some really helpful information in there. Bookmarked. Nice to see your site. I really appreciate your work! Awesome!
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